Vladimir Poleganov


Bulgarian writer, screenwriter, and translator. He is the author of one collection of short stories and one novel. His short stories have appeared in various literary magazines in Bulgaria and abroad. He worked as a screenwriter for Undercover– TV series, seasons 3 and 4 (2013-2015) and a screenwriter for Dennis and Friends– TV talk show ( 2013-2014).

He served as judge for the “A Gathering of Troubadours” annual short story contest from 2012 to 2015. The Birds, a short story, was featured in Dalkey Archive Press’ anthology Best European Fiction 2016. He has won The National Rashko Sugarev Award for Short Story, 2012. In 2016, he participated in the University of Iowa’s International Writing Program.

He is currently working on a PhD in Bulgarian literature at Sofia University where he also teaches a course on fantastic literature.


Shanghai Writers’ Association
675, Julu Road Shanghai, 200040